Umbrella of Giftedness
The parent organisations Pharos, HINT Nederland and Choochem decided to join forces in 2000. What started as regular meetings between the chairs of the different organizations became the ‘Koepel Hoogbegaafdheid’ in 2003. The ‘Foundation Koepel Hoogbegaafdheid’ started in 2009.
The ‘Koepel Hoogbegaafdheid’ distributes its information in different ways: at symposiums, seminars and informational meetings. The ‘Koepel’ can also be found on the biannual ‘Nationale Onderwijs Tentoonstelling'(National Exhibition of Education). The ‘Koepel Hoogbegaafdheid’ has composed a book with several articles about the many different aspects of giftedness. These articles were written by various experts in the field.
The mission of the ‘Koepel Hoogbegaafdheid’ is to create a society in which highly gifted people can reach their full potential: a society in which their talents can be fullyk developed and in which they have the same kind of chances as other citizens. The ‘Koepel’ wants to support them in all their material and intangible needs.
The ‘Koepel’ wants to raise specific awareness for the highly gifted in education. One of their goals is a compulsory course in ‘how to deal with the highly gifted child’ for all primary school teachers.
The influence of government policy and politics in general is another point of great importance. The ‘Koepel’ will of course also maintain good relations with all organisations and consultancies with similar goals.
To insure that the organisations and consultancies that deal with giftedness maintain a high standard the ‘Koepel Hoogbegaafdheid’ registers persons considered competent to work with the highly gifted. In 2016 they established the “Quality Register Giftedness”. Working together with people in the field they have formulated the rules for admission. Parents can use this register to easily find quality support in dealing with giftedness.
Why attention for giftedness?
About 2.5 percent of our population is highly gifted. In the Netherlands that amounts to about 430,000 people. Highly gifted people have a different view on life than their neighbours, family or friends. They may respond differently to people and situations around them. More attention has been paid to gifted people during the last few decades. More and more we have come to realize that talent will only develop through hard work and learning from your own mistakes. Things don’t just ‘come naturally’, and this is especially true for highly gifted people. To think that you won’t have to learn and never have to work hard if you are highly gifted is naive. This thought, which seems intuitively correct, can have disastrous results for young developing minds, but also for adults when dealing with communication errors in the workplace.
The highly gifted person’s ‘different way of thinking’ can give him stress in childhood as well as in adult life. How much can you adapt to your surroundings without losing yourself in the process? Could your surroundings better accommodate you? Young children can experience this different way of thinking as a personal shortcoming and it thus can have a negative effect on their confidence. The advocacy for highly gifted adults is improving. Nevertheless employers are not always up to date on the best ways to accommodate their gifted workers and the gifted individuals themselves are also not always well informed.
Are you looking for a specialist to guide your gifted child? Visit Kwaliteitsregister Hoogbegaafdheid. Sorry: all in Dutch.